An End-Of-The-Year Message From Our Founder And CEO

Dec 12, 2022

Ah, the end of the year evokes many thoughts, both business and personal.

Marlys Fox.

Certainly it’s a time to put to bed some negatives.

For the Fox team, it’s been a year of really hard work, as our clients and our marketing partners have reacted to almost constant media coverage, pretty much negative because “that’s what they do!”

Is there inflation? Yes. Will there be a recession in 2023? Possible. But American businesses should know how they can survive if they use appropriate techniques.

At Fox, we have been urgently candid with our customers. “You have to be strong,” we’ve said. “You have to be there in order to do serious business. Your goal is to survive, and soon to thrive.” That’s the American way.

So what do we have to do in order to do business?

Fox Associates is ending 2022 up in dollars earned for year over year, so we’ve definitely survived. We’re looking to 2023 to thrive as we have for nearly every year of our 50 years in business. And we have big plans for next year. As the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail.”

To our publisher partners, thank you for believing in us and working so diligently with us so that we can all make ourselves proud.

To our marketing clients, thank you for all your business this year. We hope to remain on your team, we hope to help you make those investments in our media options to reach your prime customers.

And to everyone else we do business with in order to accomplish our goals—thank you so much for contributing all that you do to keep us “foxy in the field.”

And for all personally, we hope you have wonderful fulfilling holidays, and then, after a few days into January, time to get back to work!

We look forward ourselves to both.

—Marlys Fox