Looking Toward The Best Of Times In 2024: A Year-End Message From CEO Marlys Fox

Dec 18, 2023

Marlys Fox.

“It was the best of times;  It was the worst of times.” Charles Dickens surely had other matters in mind as he wrote “A Tale of Two Cities” way back in 1859.

But for Fox Associates, for our publisher clients, and for the media industry as a whole, it is surely descriptive of 2023!

There are those who struggle to survive in this chaos of a poor and ever-changing economy. There are those who are terrified of the political future of this country and the resulting economic standards. There are those who are now impacted by the uncertainty of worldwide war, as the Middle East gets more scary.

Fox Associates works hard and steadily to make the nation’s marketers understand that they need to proceed in the marketplace as they have always done—they need to be bold and at the same time, reassuring. Should they do otherwise, the poor economic forecasts will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. We  firmly believe that to achieve “the best of times,” we should do as America has always done: First make sure you can survive, and then proceed to very strongly thrive.

We’re fortunate to have clients who will go along with us, and we appreciate them. We’re confident they will do well in 2024 and the years ahead.

Meanwhile, we’d like to end this business year on a high note as we celebrate the holidays of all of the world’s religions!

For 2024, we are seriously and sincerely counting on “the best of times.”

We hope for continued success in our and our partners’ business in advertising and media.

Marlys Fox, CEO/President, Fox Associates, Inc.