By Marlys Fox
People! People! Stop freaking out! These are indeed strange times, but they shouldn’t be guiding nearly so much of your thinking right now! And the freaking out that I’m seeing expressed everywhere in writing on all of our industry social-media pages just adds to the negative dialogue and the escalation of the postings.
It has to have a very poor effect on your pride in what you’ve built in your business, and your plans to continue your past success.
Let’s concentrate on: The overall economy, which as a free-enterprise system has lasted for centuries, the specific industry of which we all are a part, and now, importantly, our 2025 plans. We’re already one-twelfth of the way into the year.

Marlys Fox
The idea is to evaluate. To make plans to first survive and then to thrive. To pivot where we must. To be very very careful not to make our fears become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
You know instinctively that you cannot fail to promote your brand and its image of success. You simply can’t take a chance on being forgotten when your clients/customers get ready to buy. And if you have a specific offer on your products and services, you need to get it out there to your buyers and potential purchasers.
So how about it: Can we have a conversation, you and me/us? Can we continue the plans that have brought us both success over the years? Want to call me just to talk? Maybe together we can find some clarity in today’s environment. I’m just a call away. 312-644-3888, ext. 118.
Meanwhile, let’s agree on this: We believe in our country, in our way of doing business, and that whatever fears there may be about the very immediate future will soon pass as we get back to being the solid integrated Americans that we are and always have been.